You see I need two. The whole idea started with the lack of text. A writers block and copywright combined aborted previous performative attempts.
Until one day I was sitting in a lecture, listening to Mr Kekesi about Wilson, and two Julias just walked into my head.
And now the text is 60% done and I have half of my cast I am waiting for a Hungarian Julia.
I have a whole lot to do until than
- Finalise the text
- Come up with a concept and know it
- Than think about rehersal space
- Think about performance space
I need two Julietts before Christmas. I do. And having an assistant would be nice. And a secretary, so I dont have to mess around with the script.
Yet this is the beauty of theatre, that it needs so little. If you dont have a rehersal space, use your living room. If you cant afford costumes wear your clothes.