Édes Hús

Shakespeare tragédiájának gyönyörű töredékeiből álomszerűen szővödik össze Júlia története. Júlia két hangon és nyelven (angol-magyar) szólal felidézve azt a sűrű, búja és végzetes hat napot, mely szenvedélyt és kétségbeesést, gyászt, nászt és halált hozott neki. A magyar nyelven játszó Ubrankovics Júlia, aki a 40. Magyar Filmszemlén elnyerte a legjobb színésznő díját és Sophie Thomson, aki Londonból érkezett Budapestre a nővévállás rítusaként, középkori dalokkal, hús-vér eleven erővel és bájjal idészik meg Shakespeare legszebb szellemét: Júliát. In this bilingual (English and Hungarian) performance beautiful fragments of Shakespeare's tragedy evoke Juliet as an eternal memory, as a waking dream. She re-lives those sweet, dense and dark six days that brought her passion and desperation, grief and joy and her untimely death. Ubrankovics Julia who plays in Hungarian has recently received the prize for best actress on the 40th Hungarian Filmweek. Together with Sophie Thompson from London they take you through this rite of passage into womanhood with rituals and medieval singing. This theatre-seance conjures up Shakespeare's most beautiful ghost: Juliet.

Friss topikok

  • gybala: I really liked the customes on the show!! Good ideas... (2009.04.20. 23:12) Magony Zsuzsanna
  • Natália: Why hmmmmm? Do elaborate. (2009.01.03. 02:06) Flowers
  • Natália: wow superb. I am very excited. Will write again soon. (2008.12.26. 23:24) Dramaturgy
  • Natália: First of Miss T: what does she mean to you? What motivates you to play her? And what is her dilemm... (2008.12.22. 14:40) First Meeting - Sophie




Színházi Munkanapló / Performance Diary

2008.12.22. 14:01 Natália

First Meeting - Sophie

I am Sophie. So we've reconfirmed that the text is beautiful, intriguing and exciting (most of the time). But, I rather agree with miss Nagy, the text is sure to get boring if we subject our audience to it twice during the same performance even if in different languages. Especially since I'd say we can fairly expect most of our audience to know this story, and probably even some of the text, pretty well.

We played with pictures, movement and folksongs. This was wild fun, and I think could enhance the story very well, especially if we keep pushing for deeper experimentation. Avoiding turning this into a nostalgia driven piece of pretty aesthetics will involve experimentation in terms of both performance and subject matter. I think the latter is about relevance. What does Juliette, her character and the nature of her dilemma, mean to us now?? (This is not a rhetorical question, I'd be very interested in opinions)


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Natália 2008.12.22. 14:40:18

First of Miss T: what does she mean to you?
What motivates you to play her? And what is her dilemma?
süti beállítások módosítása