Édes Hús

Shakespeare tragédiájának gyönyörű töredékeiből álomszerűen szővödik össze Júlia története. Júlia két hangon és nyelven (angol-magyar) szólal felidézve azt a sűrű, búja és végzetes hat napot, mely szenvedélyt és kétségbeesést, gyászt, nászt és halált hozott neki. A magyar nyelven játszó Ubrankovics Júlia, aki a 40. Magyar Filmszemlén elnyerte a legjobb színésznő díját és Sophie Thomson, aki Londonból érkezett Budapestre a nővévállás rítusaként, középkori dalokkal, hús-vér eleven erővel és bájjal idészik meg Shakespeare legszebb szellemét: Júliát. In this bilingual (English and Hungarian) performance beautiful fragments of Shakespeare's tragedy evoke Juliet as an eternal memory, as a waking dream. She re-lives those sweet, dense and dark six days that brought her passion and desperation, grief and joy and her untimely death. Ubrankovics Julia who plays in Hungarian has recently received the prize for best actress on the 40th Hungarian Filmweek. Together with Sophie Thompson from London they take you through this rite of passage into womanhood with rituals and medieval singing. This theatre-seance conjures up Shakespeare's most beautiful ghost: Juliet.

Friss topikok

  • gybala: I really liked the customes on the show!! Good ideas... (2009.04.20. 23:12) Magony Zsuzsanna
  • Natália: Why hmmmmm? Do elaborate. (2009.01.03. 02:06) Flowers
  • Natália: wow superb. I am very excited. Will write again soon. (2008.12.26. 23:24) Dramaturgy
  • Natália: First of Miss T: what does she mean to you? What motivates you to play her? And what is her dilemm... (2008.12.22. 14:40) First Meeting - Sophie




Színházi Munkanapló / Performance Diary

2009.04.29. 12:52 Natália

Partners in Crime

We small, indipendent companies are very thankfull for all the support we get from:

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2009.04.28. 09:35 Natália


Yesterday we were in Kulturhaz, and the material they put together and the things we said were all fine. Publicity is always golden dust - Becky said when I was moaning about the Narancs article. And this littlle report felt like gold as well.  Thank you Orsi! (the girl who suggested us as a…

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2009.04.23. 14:15 Natália

Sirály Time

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday.Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday.Sirály. Király u 50. 8PM

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2009.04.23. 14:05 Natália

Camden Fringe

I have now signed the contract with the organisers of Camden Fringe Festival in London, so we are taking the show to Etcetera Theatre in August 14th and 15th! Today has been also wonderful for another reason: Kállai Márton who is not just my friend but also a great photographer has sent me the…

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2009.04.20. 15:27 Natália

In the dark

I am going to see my own show today again. It is a fasciating thing, theatre is - you sit with many people in the same room and the lights are all pretty and everyting that happens on stage you know, most of it you created and everybody is looking at that for a whole hour.  Nobody talks. Nobody…

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2009.04.20. 10:37 Natália

Opening night at Siraly

Tags: sör szinhaz balazs edes siraly

It was all very quickly over.We set up the lights we called: spotty blue death - which is a potential title of a new performance, just like Beer for Breakfast or the Mystery of Masturbation.Beer for Breakfast is inspired by my early morning visits to the shop across the street where I routinely…

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2009.04.11. 20:54 Natália

Magony Zsuzsanna

Tags: divat magony kosztum

I was always very set on having some coustumes to remember. This performance should be pure rather than poor, Juliet herself is a very wealthly young girl. What she was to wear was a central from the start, but the ideas were somewhat eclectic.       Julia today might…

1 comment

2009.04.11. 20:44 Natália

Some background info

So once upon a day, not too long ago it all started with Sophie coming around for drinks, she was singing songs and I was comparing the translation of Meszoly to that of Kosztolanyi, and we had chats about how corpses were prepared for burial in the olden days, and looked at pictures and sang some…

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2009.04.11. 12:41 Natália


It is raining, I look out the window and wonder: how different will it be to play for London audience. I have been contacted by Camden Fringe and they gave us exeptable dates, but really shitty matine times. 1.30 - please....No Shakespeare before Lunch for goodness sake. I think I am…

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2009.04.08. 17:37 Natália

Long live the actresses, down with the director

 Narancs XXI. évf. 15. szám - 2009-04-09 kultúra - visszhang   színház - ÉDES HÚS/SWEET FLESHa címe a Shakespeare Rómeó és Júliájából desztillált Júlia-sztorinak, amelyet két színésznő két nyelven adott elő az AKKU-ban.…

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2009.04.08. 15:44 Natália

Magyar Narancs

Apperantly I should buy the lates issue I was told by Miss Ubrankovics. I wonder.... 

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2009.04.08. 15:35 Natália

"A Triumph"

Wrote Neil McCutcheon on my facebook wall. And I just wanted to write this here. And yes he has seen the performance. And no, he did not private message it to me, it was all very proud and public. I thought I spread the word. It was a triumph. Did I tell you that?Molnar-Gal Peter couldn't make…

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2009.04.08. 15:10 Natália


Grinned Misi over his banaba-shake in the Odeon while he was throwing compliments at local divasto the right, and criticism at me to the left.  Bananashake in the centre,.For him it was too dense, to much, less is more he said, did't like the costumes, there were far to many lights, too many…

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2009.04.01. 09:16 Natália

Aprilis a Siralyban

April Performances - Eloadasok aprilisbanSiraly 1061 Budapest, Király utca 50. 19th, 20th este 8 PM27th, 28th, 29th Sirály este 8 PMFor tickets contact/Jegyek rendelhetoek:Kiss Réka Judit+36 20/ 437 2125  varosiszinhaz@gmail.comCome and stay for an after show chat with us! 

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