The more I think about the piece the more certain I am that I want this to be stunning.
I do not want this performance to be the bare foot, back clothes - defo no trousers allowed. I dont want any pseudo-historical outfit either.
Julia is young, beautiful and rich. She would dress well. Her costume is important to me.
And than we have the double situation as well. There are two Juilias.
I feel they can not wear the same thing. But they can not be too different either.
And the dresses need to be not only beautifull, but also durable and allowing for dance and movement.
The best would be if you wouldnt have to put on or take off anthing during the show, but change might be very necessary:
First there is a baal, than you go off to marry Romeo, than you wait for him to make love to you, than you have to dress up in your best clothes for the wedding with Paris, you also pretend die in that dress.
This is at least 3 looks.