I have promised to have a directorial concept ready by the time you return knowing all your lines.
Passive agressive. I know. Pray forgive.
Before I forget If you have a dvd about In Manus Tuas pleae bring it back with you also, so we have some visual reference also.
Anyhow, I am more than please to say, that I am making progress. I entered that organic phase of the dramaturgical process, where I start feeling which lines can go, and which will carry the performance. I have edited the text down slightly. At some pont I will sit down and enter the changes into the computer.
And than naturally when you read it, you will have some suggestions and other might have some input also, so it wont be final, but it will be much more advanced.
The text is already mine methinks, becouse consepts of just ideas come to me without having to do anything.
And I think they are very good so I can not wait until our next rehersal.