One should do some research before puting a new product on the market they say.
Well, I have to admit I was very ignorant when deciding to work with Juliet. I should have looked into how often and where it was played localy.
I did not.
So when I read that there is a show by deaf people, in Uj Szinhaz I was surpriced. But yesterday I have found on the internet a show called:
Es Romeo es Julia.
Now, this is not good. Two very famous Hungarian actors, Rodolf Peter and Nagy-Kalozy Eszter, who are married by the by are performing it. And Horgas Adam, who I am sure I have noted befor on this very blog as well, directed it.
They have been playing it since 2000, and are over 250 performances. Congartulations.
Now, this I feel, makes my idea seem less original. I wish that show would not exsist.
But no1. In that performance 2 actors play all the roles. In my performance 2 actors play one role.
But no2. My performance is in two languages. Did Hunagrians get a chanche to listen to some authentic English Shakespeare since Brook was here? I dont think so.
But no3 I have young people playing young people.
And, it is good news, that it sales, I dont think it is just the actors, I want to think it is the Shakespeare in small doses.
Bite-size tragedy.
Dramaturgy that accomodates the attention-span of the XXI centrury.
And love. Love sales I think.
People like love.
Anyway the quetion remains: should one go and see performances as such? Should I go to the theatre institute with the actors one fine day and see 3-4 performances of Romeo and Juliett?
I didnt put the Baz Luhrman DVD into the player either. I have been thinking about it. But I have not. Yet. Shall I?
And more importantly should we go and see Horgas Adams version?
Should we???