Színházi Munkanapló / Performance Diary
2008.12.25. 11:34
Beauty on stage
The more I think about the piece the more certain I am that I want this to be stunning. I do not want this performance to be the bare foot, back clothes - defo no trousers allowed. I dont want any pseudo-historical outfit either. Julia is young, beautiful and rich. She would dress well. Her costume…
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2008.12.25. 11:17
Christmas Post
I have promised to have a directorial concept ready by the time you return knowing all your lines.Passive agressive. I know. Pray forgive. Before I forget If you have a dvd about In Manus Tuas pleae bring it back with you also, so we have some visual reference also. Anyhow, I am more than please to…
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2008.12.22. 14:01
First Meeting - Sophie
I am Sophie. So we've reconfirmed that the text is beautiful, intriguing and exciting (most of the time). But, I rather agree with miss Nagy, the text is sure to get boring if we subject our audience to it twice during the same performance even if in different languages. Especially since I'd say we…