Színházi Munkanapló / Performance Diary
2008.12.30. 20:55
I was just wondering if our performance is post-dramatic or not. I guess it will depend on staging as well. How abstract or symbolic I will direct it.I was reading some Lehman today about postdramatc theatre and performance. He disagrees with streching the definition of drama, and advises to regard…
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2008.12.29. 18:45
Oh, I just realised that it is quter to 7. I was going to go to theatre today. A member of Kretakor, Lang Annamaria is performing there today, and I have a friend there.I wanted to see where the performance takes place, how many people fit in, how many people go, how good is the techikal equippment…
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2008.12.29. 18:45
Other Julias and Romeos
One should do some research before puting a new product on the market they say.Well, I have to admit I was very ignorant when deciding to work with Juliet. I should have looked into how often and where it was played localy.I did not.So when I read that there is a show by deaf people, in Uj Szinhaz I…
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2008.12.29. 18:01
The End and the Beginning
First impressions and last impressions count a lot. I think I have come up with an ending that was absolutely unique and fabulous. Will not tell. Just yet. Really bad at keeping secrets. But I will share some of the dramaturgical perls I have been coming up lately. In Act III - Scene 2. Juliet has a…