While I am enjoying a perfect cup of coffe at Mignon, where I used to come with miss Ubrankovics I have to inform you dear reader, that she has left our tiny team of three - buy me a drink and ask me why - but life goes on and the show must go on.
So after having cancelled the performances inn RS9, who didn't give us a fair deal anyhow, but still is a shame, I am happy to announce a newcomer who will take on the Hungarian role in Édes Hús in our last two Budapest performances in Sirály at the 26th and 27th of May.
Kucsera Olga, an old friend and one of the faces of hiradó/news will join forces with our Sophie to please the modest crowds of theatre goers who will come to see us before we take the show to London in the summer.
Rehearsals are already shaping up, pictures to come soon.