Édes Hús

Shakespeare tragédiájának gyönyörű töredékeiből álomszerűen szővödik össze Júlia története. Júlia két hangon és nyelven (angol-magyar) szólal felidézve azt a sűrű, búja és végzetes hat napot, mely szenvedélyt és kétségbeesést, gyászt, nászt és halált hozott neki. A magyar nyelven játszó Ubrankovics Júlia, aki a 40. Magyar Filmszemlén elnyerte a legjobb színésznő díját és Sophie Thomson, aki Londonból érkezett Budapestre a nővévállás rítusaként, középkori dalokkal, hús-vér eleven erővel és bájjal idészik meg Shakespeare legszebb szellemét: Júliát. In this bilingual (English and Hungarian) performance beautiful fragments of Shakespeare's tragedy evoke Juliet as an eternal memory, as a waking dream. She re-lives those sweet, dense and dark six days that brought her passion and desperation, grief and joy and her untimely death. Ubrankovics Julia who plays in Hungarian has recently received the prize for best actress on the 40th Hungarian Filmweek. Together with Sophie Thompson from London they take you through this rite of passage into womanhood with rituals and medieval singing. This theatre-seance conjures up Shakespeare's most beautiful ghost: Juliet.

Friss topikok

  • gybala: I really liked the customes on the show!! Good ideas... (2009.04.20. 23:12) Magony Zsuzsanna
  • Natália: Why hmmmmm? Do elaborate. (2009.01.03. 02:06) Flowers
  • Natália: wow superb. I am very excited. Will write again soon. (2008.12.26. 23:24) Dramaturgy
  • Natália: First of Miss T: what does she mean to you? What motivates you to play her? And what is her dilemm... (2008.12.22. 14:40) First Meeting - Sophie




Színházi Munkanapló / Performance Diary

2008.12.21. 17:46 Natália

Juliets to Remember

As I was wondering about the costume It occured to me that I might research how Juliet has been dressed on stage in days past. After some reading and googeling I have come up with some visual material.

First of from 1918, Gizi Bajor as Julia in the production of the National Theatre of Budapest. Photograph taken by the Kardos Sisters.

The dress is greek-style virgin white, with the happy dagger in her hand.

I love this image but it is not very Juliet like.

She looks older than I imagine Juliet to be. 

But if this captures the dramatic moment of her waking from the dead, and realising that her tru love is dead, thus deciding to take her own life before people arrive, than this disturbed state, this final determination, this last push of will does stil come through with theatrical force and artistic expression.
















Than there is Zita Szeleczky from 1940, next to the oddest Romeo, this scene must be when they first meet, and the holy palmers kiss. 

The costume is interesting.


Only six years later in 1946and in the well-know balcony scene (come on boy, you can clim up there surely) Juliet is played by Alice Fenyes in the production of the Belvarosi Theatre. Romeo is the young Kallai Ferenc. Her costume is like an ugly wedding dress with humangous shoulderpads.

This is not a great quality picture, but again the lovers devotion and dreamy gestures shine through the black and white imagery.

Also note that this picture is probalay taken from the actual performance while the previous two were much posier, much more stattic, much more arranged from a photograpic perspective. Visual composition vs dramatic composition. Differeny kinestatics and esthatics.

This performance is part of my living memoriy as well, starring Klari Tolnay and introducing the beautiful Ivan Darvas.

They fell in love and got married.

This phota is again very staged, in the conext of the plot it could be them watching the sunrise listening to the lark.

Hair and is much more sturctured, shiny an tidy, probably closer to 1953 style than the middle ages, the make up almost androgenous, simple yet quite stong.

The costume perhaps a bit more historic although it seems like a shot in the dark.

They look very good together you get bravery for the first time from a couple. Again older woman younger man does not seem to be an issu when casting the roles.

And I had some great pictures from the queen and king of Hungarian stage: Eva Ruttkai and Zoltan Latinovics, who were also truely in love and truely great.

I had a few glasses of Martini.






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